I was just browsing the interweb as usual, when I ended up on a page with an article saying how Michael Jackson was predicted - some decades ago, to look like in the future:
1985 prediction of what Michael Jackson would look like in 2000

But of course he later suffered from vitligo, which I actually thought was a genetic cause, but apparently was due to a mistake that was made when he performed on stage back then. This made him suffer from "second- and third-degree burns all over his head and face".

Scary stuff... one little thing changing everything

Halloween 2013

Me and my gurl Casandra fabulously posing as Tia Dalma and Jack Sparrow. Happy Halloween! :D

Nanananana, my D is bigger than yours

Me and my sister taking a stroll through the market in Höganäs when suddenly...
Not sure if it's aimed for children. "Hey mommy look! I want that pink helium balloon, it is so kewt! :3 "


As told, me and Sara took some photos on thursday, and here are some of them :)

Picture me and you

The other day the sun decided to visit Höganäs, so me and Sara went out to take some photos.
In the park with her nikon no other then us, we started taking some Top Model-wannabe photos, eventhough I think she'd prefer to take some nature photos. We ended up filling her camera with over 500 pics! She's going to have to delete many of them, and then make an album hehe.. I wish you best of luck Sara!


Life of Riri

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