Bio Oil

I don't know if I've ever mentioned using Bio Oil (a product which reduces the appearance of stretch marks),
if not, here's a review:
The bottle costs 119:- in a standard pharmacy and contains 60 ml. It may sound a bit overpriced for such a low volume, but you only have to use a couple of drops 2 times a day and only on the parts that really needs it.
Right now I've been using Bio Oil for over 2 months and well the first bottle was enough for a month or shorter and the other one is still in use. I still have like a third left so as you can tell, I've been quite lazy with the second bottle and not been using it on a regular basis as I should, which is two times a day. Nowadays I use it once a day and sometimes ...I don't even, but it's because I get impatient easily if I don't start seeing results after a certain amount of time gaahhh!!
My gurlfränd who also tried Bio Oil didn't seem to have liked it since she didn't see any changes after her first bottle. As for me, I only started noticing some improvements through the second bottle and I can say that the product is actually trustworthy, but we're all different so I'm not surprised that it takes more time for some people to notice any changes. I still have to use it if I want it to be totally removed

Junk in the trunk

Today I "leveled up" at the gym. Did some squats with more weights and other exercises than usual, most of them to build up my butt hehe. Even though mine isn't really saggy or so, I have some cellulites that I really want to be removed. I thought about buying those products that are suppose to get rid of them, but I think as many pages googled, it says a lot of water and exercises makes perfect. Plus you can't really trust those products...


So  right now I'm doing my best and I've stopped eating those damn ballerinas - (otherwise I'm a cookiemonster) that are always welcomed by my thighs and ass and no other area in my freakin body! And I'm still waiting to get that perfect result, yeah I'm a big booty bitch, big, big booty bitch WOOH!!111one

Life of Riri

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