Junk in the trunk

Today I "leveled up" at the gym. Did some squats with more weights and other exercises than usual, most of them to build up my butt hehe. Even though mine isn't really saggy or so, I have some cellulites that I really want to be removed. I thought about buying those products that are suppose to get rid of them, but I think as many pages googled, it says a lot of water and exercises makes perfect. Plus you can't really trust those products...


So  right now I'm doing my best and I've stopped eating those damn ballerinas - (otherwise I'm a cookiemonster) that are always welcomed by my thighs and ass and no other area in my freakin body! And I'm still waiting to get that perfect result, yeah I'm a big booty bitch, big, big booty bitch WOOH!!111one

Adolescent dog-like

I have this friend who likes to watch series about vampires and such, who recently started watching Teen Wolf (I wasn't surprised hehe) He said it was really good and funny, and since I'm on my holiday I thought I give it a shot. But I know myself too well to say that I won't be able to follow the full story. I just don't seem to find time for watching series anymore, damn school :(


When I first heard of it I thought it was going to be like a sort of Vampire Diaries-wannabe, except with wolves. But it is different, actually really cool and exciting! A lot of action involving but also some comical acts. My favorite character so far is Stiles, a really funny and smart guy. Btw I'm still on the first season, incase (I doubt) you were thinking of spoiling anything...DON'T!



As told, me and Sara took some photos on thursday, and here are some of them :)

Picture me and you

The other day the sun decided to visit Höganäs, so me and Sara went out to take some photos.
In the park with her nikon no other then us, we started taking some Top Model-wannabe photos, eventhough I think she'd prefer to take some nature photos. We ended up filling her camera with over 500 pics! She's going to have to delete many of them, and then make an album hehe.. I wish you best of luck Sara!

Do you even lift?

Waddup youngsters!
Today I managed to talk my sister Nelly into going to the gym with me. At Friskis och Svettis they have this offer where newbies can have a free week to try out, so she had nothing to lose but body fat. Btw I don't mean she's fat, cause' she's not lol...We basically share the same body shape and some looks, probably the reason why she fooled herself into thinking she could take as much weights as me.
Speaking of which, after the gym my sister and I went to MC for some burgers (I usually stay away from them nowadays, but we hadn't been eating a proper breakfast...) But there was this cute guy in front of us when standing in line - (hmm..I guess I've seen him at the gym before) who started smiling at us and then asks us if we just came from the gym and we be like yeah. (Btw we talked in swedish) Then out of nowhere he said nice hair and my sister and I both said thanks and started giggling at the fact that we thought he ment to say that to one of us. And then he ordered something and went to sit somewhere where he could look over at us, still smiling...It was a bit awkward, but at the same time flattering, random Swedish guys don't usually have the guts to talk to strangers so I'm not really sure if he was one. 

Yipikaye Motherfucker!

Just came home from a movie night out with some mates. We watched the fifth movie of the Die Hard series, called A good day to die hard. I usually reject action movies, but the Die Hard movies are worth seeing and this one was just pure aweessooome which I highly recommend to every guy/gal out there who likes action.
Not sure of why, perhaps it was Bruce Willis way of playing the fearless cop who always seem to attract chaos to himself, or maybe the awesome stunts that looked ridiculously impossible. But whatever he's doing, he must be doing it right. Plus that I find myself quoting his catch phrase - "Yipikaye motherfucker!" that he says after killing the boss of each Day Hard movie.
So after the movie some of us decided to play one game on laserdome.
I don't know what happened, if it was because I got the Bruce Willis kickass-feelin, or because they kindaaa told me I sucked last time (it was my first time, but okay..) so I wanted to prove them wrong this time... But well inside the game, I was like, PANG you're dead! Bruce Willis only got shot like twice while killing 20 others, and so was I. And guess what! I got the highest score, but the biggest score was when I saw the look on their faces when they found out... just priceless, I guess I'm becoming more of an action girl after all.


Folow me with Bloglovin! :D

Dreamlight, what a nice sight

 The day has been to say the least inspiring. My family and I went to the "Dreamlight"- festival in Helsingborg. We took a turn around the center areas where we followed a guide who told us and others about the different lightnings and what they represented. It was actually really interesting and the lights looked pretty cool.
But then it got colder so my siblings and I started acting around, dancing silly and all to keep the warmth. People were getting interupted and getting angry I guess, so they started looking at us funny, therefore we decided to stay away and go our own way. 
Overall it was fun, but I might've enjoyed it a little more if it had been a warmer night.

(I'm not goin to take credit for the pics, most of them are basically my sister's friends)

How bout' that

The holiday has just began!


I don't know about you folks, but usually, I hate holidays due to my lack of skill on being economical. I often don't have enough money to go out and have a good time, so I end up sitting at home doing nada.


But this time! I've actually managed to save a few dough for my one week holiday and I'm unnaturally excited over it. Plus I've made a huge effort on getting good grades this semester. So yeah, I think I deserve it and we'll see what the city has to offer.


What is love?

Sorry for my lack of bloggning these past few days, I've been kind of busy with my life. (You have a life?) Truth be told, I was studying the whole week...
Speaking of which, I've come to think alot about a subject lately. I find myself asking the same question to myself on and on; What is love?
Well, right now I feel like it has become like a sort of test to me. And like other tests, I want to study it long enough so I can pass the test and get a great result. The problem in this case is that the right answers are indefinite when "studying" love. So I ask myself; Am I doing it right?

Best header - ever!

Quoting my gurlfränd, who was the creator of this adorable header; Best header - ever!
I think it describes my blog pretty well, don't you think?


Life of Riri

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