Too school for cool

Finally we got to have our christmas holiday and me and a couple of friends were so happy that we started celebrating right away.


After a couple of shots I got tipsy as hell. I remember gettin alot of mood swings but luckly I didn't do anything too weird.


Another highlight of the day was when a friend gave me an early birthday present, which I totally didn't except. I was so happy to get Beyoncé's Midnight Heat  from KICKS and a friendship necklace with one of my favourite colors.


Next day I went on and celebrated with some other friends and we did the ordinary; baked, watched a bunch of movies and series, danced and more.


And now it's christmas time, Merry Christmahanakwanzika because fak mainstream!

Halloween 2013

Me and my gurl Casandra fabulously posing as Tia Dalma and Jack Sparrow. Happy Halloween! :D

This Guy!

Even though I had only watched Iron Man (1) and wanted to see the second sequel before that, I still went out to the movies with a couple of classmates and my sister.
At first I was a bit undetermined whether I should join them or not, because I was annoyed by the fact that we initially had planned watching Fast and Furious 6, until one of them decided to change that to Iron Man 3! And all of a sudden my opinion was ignored and didn't count. But we sort of fixed the problem later...
Anyways this movie was without a doubt one of the funniest action movie I've ever seen! Like really, it should have been categorized as comedy, because this guy Tony Stark is not like other super heroes. He just doesn't give an F and likes to joke around.  My sister told me that Iron Man 2 was funnier and that it was her favorite, so I might watch it later online.
And oh I just have to add the funny thing that happened after the movies hhehe
One of my classmates almost missed the bus which was a couple of feet away from the movie theatre. And all of a sudden he started running as if his life depended on it. At first I thought he was trolling but he wasn't and I was like really? Is that how you look like when running your fullest speed? xD
Oh god, you should have been there, almost like when Mr. Bean is running or something. T'was too freaking hilarious and I actually lol'd for real.


I'm finally done with homework and tests and other things that kept me from writing something here, so you can welcome me back yaaayy!


I apologize for my lack of blogging, but a lot of stuff has happened since I wrote the latest post and I guess I owe you an explanation:


Well I can start by mentioning that my dad got a job in Halmstad where he's been busy working and therefore is often staying over at his friend's house and can only come home when he's not working. So I've been reeeallyyy stressed by both homework and taking care of the home.


Anyhow, I also got a job, for just the summer though and I was really surprised when I got picked because it has been really tough for me to get one. The fact that I haven't had any offer these past few years that I've searched, so I was more than happy to accept any job really. I guess my family and I are starting to get a little lucky now.. I was like finallyyyy :O


My sister's prom was awesome and I got really inspired when me and Casandra were watching the ones going to prom near Dunkers, they looked like princesses, so fa-bu-lous! And since my sister told me all about the dinner at Sundspärlan, I know what to expect for my prom next year. I can't wait! :D


hmm.. well I guess that was it



Over and out, peace


Adolescent dog-like

I have this friend who likes to watch series about vampires and such, who recently started watching Teen Wolf (I wasn't surprised hehe) He said it was really good and funny, and since I'm on my holiday I thought I give it a shot. But I know myself too well to say that I won't be able to follow the full story. I just don't seem to find time for watching series anymore, damn school :(


When I first heard of it I thought it was going to be like a sort of Vampire Diaries-wannabe, except with wolves. But it is different, actually really cool and exciting! A lot of action involving but also some comical acts. My favorite character so far is Stiles, a really funny and smart guy. Btw I'm still on the first season, incase (I doubt) you were thinking of spoiling anything...DON'T!


Yipikaye Motherfucker!

Just came home from a movie night out with some mates. We watched the fifth movie of the Die Hard series, called A good day to die hard. I usually reject action movies, but the Die Hard movies are worth seeing and this one was just pure aweessooome which I highly recommend to every guy/gal out there who likes action.
Not sure of why, perhaps it was Bruce Willis way of playing the fearless cop who always seem to attract chaos to himself, or maybe the awesome stunts that looked ridiculously impossible. But whatever he's doing, he must be doing it right. Plus that I find myself quoting his catch phrase - "Yipikaye motherfucker!" that he says after killing the boss of each Day Hard movie.
So after the movie some of us decided to play one game on laserdome.
I don't know what happened, if it was because I got the Bruce Willis kickass-feelin, or because they kindaaa told me I sucked last time (it was my first time, but okay..) so I wanted to prove them wrong this time... But well inside the game, I was like, PANG you're dead! Bruce Willis only got shot like twice while killing 20 others, and so was I. And guess what! I got the highest score, but the biggest score was when I saw the look on their faces when they found out... just priceless, I guess I'm becoming more of an action girl after all.

Life of Riri

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