Junk in the trunk

Today I "leveled up" at the gym. Did some squats with more weights and other exercises than usual, most of them to build up my butt hehe. Even though mine isn't really saggy or so, I have some cellulites that I really want to be removed. I thought about buying those products that are suppose to get rid of them, but I think as many pages googled, it says a lot of water and exercises makes perfect. Plus you can't really trust those products...


So  right now I'm doing my best and I've stopped eating those damn ballerinas - (otherwise I'm a cookiemonster) that are always welcomed by my thighs and ass and no other area in my freakin body! And I'm still waiting to get that perfect result, yeah I'm a big booty bitch, big, big booty bitch WOOH!!111one


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