Drive by

Today might be a good day, if your name isn't Rita Iteka.


I had a couple of bad luck experiences after school, one being my phone not working as it should and the other being too yolo (not going to explain though)


But one who also happened to experience some type of bad luck was my dad. He was only riding his bike heading to work, when out of the blue came a car and hit him. The driver was apparently in his 60's and he drove on a bikers road by accident... if you ask me, he's prolly a drunk mofo and is too old for that shit!


At least my dad wasn't badly injured, plus he's ensured and he's not missing out. But the funny thing is that my troll of a dad is enjoying it, saying he's not working for at least one month and the thought of not having to work and still get money seems to have given him the positive mood.


What's -(-1)? You know it, it's the positive 1.

I guess if you can turn negative to positive in math, you can do it with other things as well.


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