Mein Gott, der Wind!

This very recent moment, my dance crew and I was in Mölle on a place called "Kullens fyr" for a music video shoot. The guy who wanted to shoot us for his sort of documentary music video is called Nikolaj Schröder, you may not be familiar with the name (like I was at first), but if you've heard the song "Hej hej Monika!" by Nic and the family, then yeah that's him. 


Although I was freezing my ass off I actually managed to dance near the ocean in a dress, (btw it was the same dress you saw on my last post). But yeah we were supposed to act as if we were just practicing for a show and stuff. He told us to improvise as much as possible. The more flaws the more creative it would be, so it was easy working with him on the contrary with the weather. He was really funny too and I can't wait to see the video!


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